Avengers 4 concept art leaked: Bruce Banner becomes Professor Hulk, Thanos gets a new weapon, Captain Marvel arrives

Hi everyone, Today we will be discussing about the Leaked Concept art of Avengers 4 that is been revealed. There have been many other concept art reveal in the past about Thor's new weapon, Tony's new generation of suits, and many others around the time of Civil war. There were others too from Infinity war where hulk was there and Soul stone was shown and also Legos were made which were pretty accurate for some occasions in the movie. It reveals a new team comprising the survivors from after Thanos snapped his fingers (Thor, Nebula, Iron Man, Rocket, Black Widow, Hulk, Captain America and War Machine) along with Infinity War absentees Hawkeye, Ant-Man and MCU newcomer Captain Marvel. From the background, the location appears like it could be the Quantum Realm. There are many other interesting things that stand out. Captain America has done some useful self-grooming and back to looking his usual best. Black Widow and Hawkeye seem to have got haricuts of their o...