SHAZAM unveils that The World Blames Lex Luthor For Justice League !!

Hi everyone Today we have some revelations about the whole Justice league and Alien Invasion stuff which is hinted in the upcoming DC's SHAZAM. Shazam's Easter egg lays the blame on Lex Luthor for the alien invasion in Justice League! Director David F. Sandberg's superhero fantasy will continue the more fun and hopeful DC Universe that began when Justice League pivoted away from the darker tone established by Zack Snyder. It seemed as if Lex had gone crazy when imprisoned in Arkham and shaved bald at the end of Batman v Superman, Luthor warned Batman that "the bell cannot be unrung... he's coming!" As it turns out that 'he' who did arrive was Steppenwolf , who's aim was to collect the three Mother Boxes and terraform the Earth into another version of his homeworld Apokalips. The Justice League resurrected Superman and stopped Steppenwolf's invasion in an unnamed Russian town, but the super team was unaware that the bald billiona...