9 Amazing Things You Never Knew About DRAGON BALL Anime series !!

The following facts include All three Dragon Ball Anime Series which are Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT.

1.Goku has performed the "Kamehameha" a total of 97 times throughout all three series.

2. Hitler makes an appearance in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn. He was ultimately defeated by Goten and Trunks.

3.Goku's mother is a Saiyan known as Gine.

4.Namekians grow at a faster rate than humans or Saiyans. For this reason, Piccolo is a full grown adult at the age of 3 when he fights Goku at the World Martial Arts Tournament. Also, he's only four years older than Gohan during the Saiyan saga.

5.The fight between Goku and Frieza took up a total of three and a half hours of screen time, making it the longest fight in anime history.

6.Broly and "The Legendary Super Saiyan" are not the same. "The Legendary Super Saiyan" actually self-destructed as a Golden Oozaru 1,000 years prior to the Saiyans' arrival to earth.

7.Broly's power level was 10,000 at the time he was born. This would mean that his power level as a baby was stronger than Piccolo (322), Goku (334), and Raditz (1,500) combined.

8.Vegeta and Bulma had a second child named Bra.

9. For a time, Piccolo was the strongest of all the Z Warriors, including Goku and Vegeta, after he fused with Kami, making him stronger than any Super Saiyan.


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