9 Things You Never Knew About Goku !!

Goku has fought with some of the most powerful characters int the DBZ universe and he will continue to do so in order to protect his family, friends and loved ones which we all know.
But there are some facts that you never knew about Goku.
Here's 9 of them !

1. Goku was actually sent to destroy the Earth. He was supposed to use his great ape form to take the planet, however, due to his head injury his entire personality changed.

2. Goku has killed two enemies so far. He has a  habit of sparing his enemy, mainly because of his code as a warrior. The two enemies who Goku has killed are Kid Buu and Yakon.

 3. Despite being so strong, Goku has never actually defeated Vegeta. In all of their fights, Goku has never managed to beat Vegeta.

4. He was responsible for the death of his grandfather. Goku had undergone the great Ape transformation and he accidentally stepped on his grandfather.

5. Goku was a colossal pervert when he was a kid. Goku was acting as a pervert to Bulma. As he had never seen a girl before, he allowed curiosity to get better of him at times.

  6. Goku is  responsible for the death of King Kai. As Goku had teleported to King Kai’s planet in order to protect the Earth from being destroyed , that move resulted in the death of King Kai.

 7. Goku is the reason why the Tournament of Power began. Goku asked Zeno to hold the Tournament of Power in order to allow one Universe who prevails in the end, to survive.

8. Goku gets special treatment no doubt. He has already died twice but despite this, he gets to keep his real body. According to the rules, the Dragon Balls of a planet can bring a person back to life just once.

9. Goku has turned down large sum of money. In the very first episode of Dragon Ball Super, he turned down 100 million zeni from Mr. Satan.


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