9 Things You Never Knew About Vegeta !!

Vegeta is Saiyan and one of the most powerful characters in the DBZ universe. Despite his destructive and lethal personality he has always managed to show the bright side of his personality on several occasions and he certainly has a huge fan base.
But there are some facts that you never knew about Vegeta.
Here's 9 of them !

 1. Vegeta has a brother as well and His name is Tarble. Apparently, he was banished from Planet Vegeta before it was even destroyed. Tarble is a very kind person. He isn’t a monster at all, unlike most of the Saiyans.

2. Surprisingly, Vegeta has a sister-in-law as well. Her name is Tights. She appears in Dragon Ball Super as well, but is one of the most mysterious characters in the series.


3. Despite Vegeta being a member of the Z Warriors for so long, he has never been to the Kame House.

4. Everyone remembers the over 9000 joke, right? Yeah, it was actually a dub error. The original quote from Vegeta when Goku was powering up is “It’s over 8000.” However, that was never corrected, and to this day it has even become a meme.

 5. Out of the current Z warriors, Vegeta is actually the oldest. Saiyans don’t get old and fragile as      quick as the humans, so he is still as powerful as ever.

 6. Vegeta cannot go Super Saiyan 3. He can go Super Saiyan God, and even Blue and higher. But, he cannot go Ssj3, apparently because of a missing gene.

 7. Vegeta had access to Majin powers as well. During the Buu Saga, he let Babidi take control of him to gain more power.

8. Vegeta may be a part of the Z Warriors, but  he has killed a lot of people. He has killed Namekians, and humans alike.

 9. Vegeta is technically not a prince at all. He is a King. King Vegeta died by the hands of Freeza before Planet Vegeta was blown to bits.


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