Possible Ending Dragon Ball Super !! Beginning Of " Universe Survival " !!

With Only a few episodes left in the series , there is a lot of chatter going on about how the series could end. Fans are predicting the ways in which the Universe 7 warriors may emerge victorious through these impossible seeming situations.

But another interesting Question that every DBZ fan is talking about is what happens if Universe 7 warriors loose ? What happens then ?

If the main story line for the Dragon Ball series gets erased from existence that is the Universe 7 then it would mean the Goku and other Z warriors would also be erased from existence.
If not , then they may be transported to different realm or Dimension. One more possibility could be that the Goku and Z warriors life has been spared  because exception have always been made when it comes to our beloved Z warriors of Universe 7.

Whatever be the case , one thing is for sure that things will not be the same for the Universe 7 warriors and they would have to face even more difficult challenges and situations.
They would have to adjust to the new surroundings and battle their way to victory in order to find a way to bring back their Universe back to life.
These situations would very well connect with the " Universe survival " saga which is to follow next.


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