Tokyo Ghoul:Re Season 3 returns!! Season 2 Ending Different from Comics !!!

Hi everyone, Today we will be discussing about Tokyo Ghoul:Re Season 3. Apparently that's what we are calling it.
So Season 3 will Premiere on April 3,2018. There are not many days left in that date so it will be pretty awesome to see what all events will be taking place in the season 3.

There is still no news about about the length of series and as to how long will the series run but considering the fact that the ending of Season was not so good after all and little confusing and ambiguous they would not not want to bore people with a lengthy season.

They would very much like to keep people interested by making the season crisp and precise.

Although some people may as well disagree with me on the confusing ending of Season 2 because some are calling it an ending full of suspense and hiding as to what all will unveil in season 3.

As we all know that the ending of Season 2 was a lot different that in comics where Kaneki eats his friend ........... Yes i know how it sounds but that is how it is in comics and I'm glad it didn't happen that way.

Now the thing to see is what all differences will be as compared to the comics following in this season.

That is all for now from me. Stay tuned for more!!!!

Click here to check out First Episode of Tokyo Ghoul:Re!!

Do check out the Plot For this Season of Tokyo Ghoul!! 

Click here to Check out the New Season of Beyblade Burst!!

Do check out the Trailer of Beyblade Burst below!!

Do check out the Trailer of Inazuma Eleven below!!


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