How THE FLASH defeats THE THINKER !! Harrison Wells REVERSE FLASH theory !!

Hi everyone,
Today we will be discussing about the possible ways in which Barry may defeat THE THINKER and also some of the theories about Harrison Wells and what all he's been up to chatting with Gideon.

There may be spoilers for some future episodes so if you don't want to be spoiled, now is the time to leave if not please enjoy.

In the Eighteenth Episode of THE FLASH we get to see that Harrison Wells and his Thinking Cap have been working overtime in the problem of The Thinker and has come up with the Sonic Scepter.

The only power that can get through DeVoe’s force field was the sound waves of Izzy Bowin, but DeVoe is now residing in her body. So Wells has come up with what he calls the Sonic Scepter, a specially designed tuning fork that can mimic Izzy’s sound waves. One strike incapacitates and two kills. And since it’s just a piece of metal, there is no tech for him to use Kilgore's powers.

Everyone seems pretty happy with the creation except for Joe West. The look on Joe’s face is one of concern, which may come from the fact the scepter can kill or from the fact that Wells is relying a lot on the brain-enhancing helmet.

It is most probably due to the fact that Wells has been secretly using dark matter with the THINKING CAP which he promised Cisco that is a line he would never cross.

We get to see the Scene where he reactivates Gideon after a 1000 days and obviously he will use Gideon's intellect to use the dark matter infuse with the THINKING CAP.

He might not necessarily become the BIG BAD but the scene draws a parallel from Season 1's christmas episode where Harrison wells was revealed to be the REVERSE FLASH.

So Harry's Brain chemistry has been altered by using the dark matter infused THINKING CAP and it is taking a toll on him as he is getting Grumpy, Angry and Irritated and he seemed to have lost his temper while arguing with Cisco.

So long story short Harry might adopt some NON CONVENTIONAL ways to defeat THE THINKER which might not go along very well with the Heroic persona THE FLASH has been carrying on throughout the Seasons where HE DOES NOT KILL!!

That's all from me for now !! Stay Tuned for more !!

How THE FLASH defeats THE THINKER !! This House is bitchin Theory !!



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