Tokyo Ghoul S03E02 Urie is Gone !! Touka's Return !! Haise Looses Control !!

Hi everyone,
Today we will be discussing about the Second Episode of Tokyo Ghoul's Third Season which was titled " Fragments: member ".

So before we jump in to Episode two , this is what we know so far.
The members of Quinx Squad, an experimental division of Akira Mado's CCG squad, and composed of investigators who have been surgically made part ghoul, work to track down the A-rated ghoul Torso.

In this process, they stumble across Orochi which ends up in an intense fight between them. The Quinx team is easily defeated by him until Sasaki decides to let his kagune out and release his inner beast.

Now, Episode 2 follows right after this where Haise loses control while fighting Orochi, and has to be subdued.

Later at the Chateau, Haise berates Urie for not getting the squad to safety, and removes him from his squad captaincy and promotes Ginshi Shirazu in his place.

Sasaki tells Kishou Arima  that he is worried that his past memories of Kaneki were coming back.

Meanwhile, Torso meets with Ayato Kirishima and is asked to become a member of Aogiri Tree. Torso realises that he can take advantage of this to capture Tooru Mutsuki.The Quinx begin investigating a Ghoul called the Nutcracker who is known for crushing the testicles of her victims.

Stopping by a coffee shop owned by Touka Kirishima called :Re, Sasaki recognizes her and is recognized in turn by Touka. After drinking her coffee, Sasaki recalls his time at Anteiku and he starts crying.

That's all from me for now!! Stay Tuned For more !!

Check out the first Episode of Tokyo Ghoul:re!!

Third Season of Stranger Things is also on it's way!!


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