Hi everyone,
Today we will be discussing about Episode 20 of Agents of Shield and how it was connected to THANOS.

So After bonding with gravitonium, the general flies up to the alien ship,Talbot quickly made it clear to Qovos just how powerful he was, by crushing his soldier with the flick of the wrist.

Forcing Qovos to kneel before him, Talbot demanded a meet with the Confederacy leadership.Talbot and Qovos then teleported to the meeting place, where the rest of  "The Six" Tribes or Species immediately denied the arrival of an Earthly "charlatan".Talbot announced himself as Earth’s Mightiest Hero and decided to create a vacancy by crushing the member who had been deemed the wisest.

After this, Talbot met in private in Quovos and Taryan who was the First born of Kasius Family and there he discussed and explained Talbot about the upcoming war on Earth which would be the end of Mankind.

He told Talbot that someone named THANOS has his eyes on earth and his disciples have already landed on earth and soon earth will crumble.

(MCU reference this might be slightly earlier than MAW's arrival on earth where he fights STARK and STRANGE , also before the night VISION was attacked or it might be that very same night when Vision was attacked) 

Talbot replies saying that he should be down there fighting THANOS with avengers but Taryan replied that THANOS's power is unparalleled and even with his powerful friends he won't be able to stop THANOS.

To this Taryan replies that there might be one way to stop THANOS which is for TALBOT to infuse himself with the rest of the GRAVITONIUM in the mines left to make TALBOT invincible and strong enough to beat THANOS.

This was Kasius's plan all along because we see his son ruling the remains of earth and now it is all coming together in the worst ways possible.

He pushes Talbot to infuse himself with the rest of the GRAVITONIUM so that he can get all of that GRAVITONIUM for himself and maybe he knows that too much GRAVITONIUM would lead to an explosion big enough to rip earth apart and so he would get the GRAVITONIUM and also earth.

That's all from me for now!! Stay tuned for more !!

 Check THESE out!!
DOCTOR STRANGE's last words !! " There was no other way " SUGGESTS !!

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