Coulson Dies in Agents of Shield to be REBORN in INFINITY WAR PART- 2 !!

Hi everyone,
Today we will be discussing about the relation between Marvel's Agents of Shield and the Movie Infinity  war part-2.

Before we begin, I want you to know that this post may contain spoilers from Avengers 3 so if you haven't watched the movie, go see the movie and come back after you have seen it.

The second part of avengers infinity war will release om May 3, 2019. Avengers 3 (Infinity war Part-1) has left us in awe and devastated because most of our heroes are dead at the end of movie.

Because Thanos was successful in his mission where he gets all the infinity stones and " Snaps his fingers and there goes half of the universe ". More than Half of the people are dead in the universe but as we see that during the post credits scene of infinity war, that fury reached out to Captain Marvel before being wiped from existence.

Captain Marvel will play a major role in defeating Thanos in Avengers 4.

Coming back to Agents of Shield , a lot is going on including the whole " Daisy being the destroyer of worlds " and she being the reason for the Earth being Quaked apart but as we are progressing towards the end of the show, it is clear that Daisy might not be the reason for Earth's destruction.

Yo-yo talked to her future self in the Future where she was informed that COULSON is dying and that the team should let him die in order to save the Planet.

She did not mention how or why because of limited time but she did tell that the Earth was destroyed " BECAUSE the team made one decision which was to SAVE COULSON " and that is what let to Earth's Destruction.

So here's what I think ,
In 100th episode of Shield " The Real Deal " Coulson encountered the fear dimension wherein he faced his fears where the Last 5 years of his life are projected as a dream , stating that he is still lying on the operating table after being stabbed by Loki's scepter.

The doctor's in the Background states that " Mr. Stark said whatever is necessary ". Note that coulson died on Shield's ship and he is indeed an agent of shield so why would the doctor's listen to Stark's order and not Director Fury's.

I believe that this is an attempt to Link Coulson to the MCU. Also Coulson was stabbed by Loki's Scepter which turned out to be an Infinity Stone later so what if after the Timeline's restored and all the Avengers who have died in Avengers 3 at the hands of Thanos with the help of Infinity stones also brings back Coulson because he was Technically killed by an Infinity stone.

This is what I think may happen!! Do let me know what you guys Think about this theory!!

Also Coulson is confirmed to return in the MCU in Captain Marvel but that is set in the 90's and not the current timeline.

That's all From me For Now!! Stay Tuned for More!!

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